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Gelana says....More words of the wise, from Shelley Barnett, my Plexus Upline.


A recent article in Clean Eating Magazine titled "5 Supplements To Start Taking Now" lists these as 5 supplements you must take: a MULTIVITAMIN, ANTIOXIDANT, FISH OIL, VITAMIN D, and a PROBIOTIC.
I get all of these in just 3 supplements, and they give me measurable results!
Plexus offers:
💥 XFactor, a multivitamin complete with Vitamin D, an aloe blend to help with absorption, AND New Zealand Black currant (a powerful antioxidant).
💥 ProBio5 is a probiotic WITH an antifungal, enzymes, 5 strands of bacteria and GOOD yeast to replace the bad, as well as vitamins to heal my gut and balance my ph level.
💥 MegaX, a complete omega supplement, meaning it contains Omegas 3-6-9-5-7. It is PLANT BASED, and ALA and SDA rich, and since it is plant based, there are NO FISHY BURPS!!
It's no longer about SKINNY, it's about HEALTHY! Plexus offers supplements your body needs
even with healthy eating habits and exercise!


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