Suicide by Bully
I heard last night that a child in Washington, IL took his own life after experiencing bullying. I don't know any details but my heart aches for him and his family. And yes, even for the bully himself. Some may wonder how I can feel bad for the one who has caused this death when the child we have lost leaves behind grieving loved ones. I feel bad because this person will now have the death of someone on his conscious the rest of his life. The issues making him a bully were already enough. I feel bad for the next kid who is bullied and gives up. I feel bad for the next family that grieves. I feel bad for the community that is impacted in these situations. Nobody wins. I worry more because Pekin has been the victim to many young suicides over the years I have lived here. The tragedy doesn't need to continue. All we have to do is help our children no longer be a victim. To no longer fear who they are and stand up to other's fear. ...